Bangalore Development Authority has become hyperactive
and has been distributing the sites in large numbers. Naturally the people are
eager to know the methodology adopted by BDA in allotting the sites. This write
up gives the broad outlines of the procedure followed by BDA.
Bangalore Development
Authority (allotment of sites) Rules 1984 govern the allotment of sites. These
rules are periodically modified. Whenever authority forms an extension or
layout; offers the sites in such extension layout to the general public, wide
publicity will be given mentioning the location, number, area, and last date
for submission of applications.The details are also published is not less than
three newspapers of Kannada and English, which are published from Bangalore
having wide circulation.
Authority is empowered to
set apart, 40% of the sites to economically weaker section at 50% of the value
of the sites; out of this the 15% of the sites are reserved to schedule castes,
3% to schedule tribe and 2% to the schedule tribes and remaining sites to
economically weaker sections. BDA may also allot sites on lease basis to
educational, religious, charitable institutions, which are registered under
societies registration act, or Trust for public purposes. But such allotment
should not be more than 5% of the total site area in each layout. Further sites
reserved for civic amenities, public parks and playgrounds cannot be allotted
in such manner.
Only the persons who have
registered their names on payment of prescribed registration fee are eligible
to apply for allotment of sites. The registration fee at present is as follows:
Area of the site in
sq. mtrs Registration fee
a)350 and above ...
Rs. 2,000/-
b)225 above but below 350
Rs. 500/-
c)Below 225
Rs. 100/-
If the applicant withdraws
the registration the registration fee paid less 10% will be refunded to the
applicant.Registration once done is valid for any subsequent attempts.In case
the applicant dies after registration, the spouse, of the deceased applicant is
entitled to apply for allotment. If the spouse is not alive the dependent
children, will be deemed to have registered area have right to apply for
allotment.The registered applicant or his legal heirs have to apply for allotment
of site in prescribed form (form II).
The applicant should also
remit 12.50% of the notified cost of the site along with application as initial
deposit.The initial deposit payable in case of Schedule Castes, Schedule
Tribes, area backward tribes is 5%.The correctly filled application along with
initial deposit should reach the authority before the time fixed for receipt of
such application. The BDA notification generally informs the mode of paying the
initial deposits, by remitting to certain banks. The completed application
forms may also be handed over to the specified branches.
In case the application is
pending with BDA for allotment and the authority invites applications for
further sites, the applicant should again apply in form II (A), but there is no
need to pay initial deposit.
Only a person who is major,
and a resident of Karnataka for not less than 15 years prior to the date of
registration, and who or whose family members does not own a site or house on Bangalore, or not allotted any site or house by BDA or Housing Co-operative
Societies is eligible to apply.
The requirement of 15 years
residence in Karnataka is subject to relaxation in case of persons who are
residents of Karnataka, but being employed in armed forces serving outside
Karnataka; have gone out of the state for employment, higher education,but
have bonafide intention to settle in Bangalore metropolitan area.BDA may also
waive this condition with the prior permission of the government, in case of
persons who have achieved outstanding performance in field of art, science or
in any other field.
The allotment of sites to
different segments of society on percentage
basis is as follows: -
a) Backward tribes -
b) Scheduled Tribes -
c) Scheduled Castes -
d) Members of armed
forces Ex-servicemen, and members of the families of decreased
servicemen - 10%
e)State government employees
- 10%
f)Employees of central
government public sector undertakings, statutory bodies owned
or controlled by state or central government - 8%
g) Physical
handicapped - 2%
h)General public -
50% Persons who have outstanding achievement in this field ego Arts, Science,
Sports - 2%
If sufficient number of
applicants are not available in category A the balance sites will be
transferred to category B, then to category C, and then to category H (general
public) likewise in the absence of sufficient number of persons in category E,
F, G, H, the balance sites will be transferred to category H (general public). The
word outstanding achievements is defined as achievement at state, national,
international level, where an award or a medal is presented by the authorities
duly recognized by state or central government.
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