Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Vaastu, as many consider, is not a bundle of superstitions, but a comprehensive science towards understanding geography, topography environment, physics, more importantly tapping the nature for happy living. It recommends suitable size, shape and orientation of the structure in relation to the site, soil and surroundings and also personality of the inhabitant.

Everybody agrees that natural elements (Panchabhootas) have direct bearing on the life of every human being. Vaastu aims at bridging the sources of these natural elements.

The human body according to Nadi shastra has seven chakras. They are Mooladhara chakra, Swadhistana chakra, Manipura chakra, Anahat chakra, Vishudha chakra, Ajnachakra, Sahastrara chakra. They are Centers of power and by activating them, enormous power can be generated. They are intimately associated with water, fire, air, earth and sky-the five elements of Vaastu.

Each direction of the plot represents a certain element and it is essential that provision is made to tap the particular energy on that prescribed direction only. The northeast (Eeshanya) is meant for water, Southeast (Agneya) is for fire, Northwest (Vayauvya) is for air and Southwest (Nairuthya) is for earth element and the central portion (Brahmastal) is for the sky.

Let us examine, whether these prescriptions have any scientific value. Vaastu mandates that any water body, well, bore well, sump tanks should be placed in Northeast direction as water will be purified by morning sunrays.

Nobody disputes the efficacy of the rays of the rising Sun. The southeast is prescribed for fire. Solar radiation is very important to human life. The intensity of sunrays is most powerful at southeast. This would help in heating. Positive energy of sunrays is received from east, north, north east, southeast.

Vaastu also recommends keeping more open area in north and east to derive maximum benefits of the early morning sunrays.Vaastu mandates to close the west, south, southwest and place heavy furniture in those directions and those areas to be more elevated. This would block the harmful rays of the evening sun. The water bodies are not recommended in this area, since; the water would absorb the harmful sunrays in the evening. Expose your body to the morning Sun, it will be soothing and invigorating compared to the evening Sun, which would be harsh and irritating. This establishes how realistic Vaastu is.

Another important requirement is proper ventilation, flow of natural light. Fresh air abundant with oxygen improves the health of the inhabitants. Northwest or Vayuvya is a source of abundant air, hence northwest is linked with element of air and Vaastu recommends windows in this directions.All of us have read that earth is a magnet or acts as a magnet. The magnetic energy flows from North Pole to South Pole.

This magnetic energy affects life on the earth. Everybody is aware that unlike poles attract each other, that is South Pole attracts North Pole and North Pole attracts South Pole. The mind is associated with North Pole. That is why bedrooms are prescribed in the southwest direction, and people are advised to sleep placing their head towards south and legs towards north. So that when opposite poles attract each other the body gets activated. Leaving more vacant space in east, north, north east and closing the south, west and southwest would help in maximum utilization of magnetic energy.

The sky element is linked to Brahmastal, which is central portion of the house. Many would have felt the difference of the comfort felt in old houses and modem houses. In olden days the central space was kept open and structures were built surrounding the open central space. This would keep the entire house cool and ventilated, where as the modern houses, where this principle is ignored, turn out to be stuffy and sultry.

Present the Fire, Water and Earth elements are being well utilized, the other two elements Air and Sky are neglected which is the cause of many problems.

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