Saturday, 18 January 2014


Light allows us to see, but it can in combination with paint enhance your life with color and sparkle. In your house you can make the lighting bland, pattern less and uninspiring. You can also make it subtle, interesting and soothing. Sun, himself, the prime source of light changes at least four to five times a day, soft, orange of the dawn, harsh glaring of the noon, and shades of grey of the dusk.

The intention of this brief note is to make you aware of the basic principles of lighting and also to enable you to make a selection of fixtures, which are long lasting and trouble free. Armed with this you can intelligently speak to your interior designer or help your electrical contractor.

There are 4 types of lighting: General, Task, Accent and Informative or Guiding.
General lighting will throw light over an area in a general and uniform way. Example: ceiling lights.

Task lighting is well positioned; well-directed lighting that provides localized light for specific areas for specific tasks.
Example: Reading lamp, table lamp.

Accent lighting is used to reveal texture, color, form, and pattern of any object you want to focus the attention of the people.
Example:Light on a painting, indoor fountain, pottery, etc.

Informative lighting is used to guide a person gently and safely to some change.
Example:Steps, garage path.

An intelligent use of these in combination with painting and color washing of walls, ceiling and furniture furnishings lends a pleasing atmosphere.

Ornamental luminaries used must be attractive, strong and functional. Do not go for cheap ones. The polish should last long; the fitting should be able to stand the load, should not collect dust or insects and should be capable of easy dismantling. Outdoor fitting should be open at the bottom, otherwise it will get filled often with dead bees and insects. Domes with three four screws are difficult to dismantle. Bright lights outdoors attract insects. Lawn lights must be of low intensity. Avoid white and violet; go in for yellow or green as they attract fewer insects.

Living room must have area lighting in addition to any other type of lighting; never watch TV or PC in the dark. Extreme brightness of the screen against dark background is harmful to the eyes. Don't place lights, which cast reflection on the screen. Reading light should come to you at an angle above your shoulder and should not be bright but soft and with all round glows. Also it should not be used alone but with area lighting.

In dining area a pendant light, rising and falling if you so prefer should be enough.It should not be bright but should help see natural colors of the dishes. Pendant lights are not suitable for bedrooms but wall mountings are preferred.
The switches of at least one area light,task lights should be located at the bed, in case of double bed on both sides.The task light one uses should not disturb another.In children's room the plugs shall be self- locking.

Task light switches should be located at the place where a task takes place, e.g., plug for shaving. It is wise to have switches of the outer security lights inside the house, so that you can switch them on from within. Control switches to security lights both in the multipurpose hall and master bedroom would help identify visitors at night quickly.

Weatherproof bulk heads are good for external lights. Plan as many fittings as possible to take the compact fluorescent lamps, now available as they reduce the consumption of energy considerably. Bring a rainbow indoors by intelligent lighting!

In conclusion, an individual who cares how he spends the money and how he can use it for the family's well being will do well to take note of the influence the colours exert on one's daily life as revealed by the recent advances in research in this particular filed and accordingly decide the color scheme of the different spaces of his house. The aim is to harmonize home environment with family's personality and healthy living.

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